Marlene has two Masters Degrees: an M.S.W. and M. Sc. She has had considerable experience in several professions, including social work and property management. Currently, she considers herself lucky to be able to incorporate her love of nature, writing and photography to pursue careers as Nature Walk columnist for the Muskoka Sun newspaper, author of two recently published books about nature, keynote speaker - and facilitator of photography and nature appreciation week-end retreats in Muskoka. E-mail Marlene at naturewalk@rogers.com. Visit her website at www.marlenewalker.com
What does creativity mean to you?
It’s my inner essence – it takes me deep into myself. Sometimes it flows out of me and I don’t even know where it comes from.
Creativity in others is their expression of something unique to them in any form.
What is your creative passion? How do you approach it?
Nature photography and nature writing……….
I both direct it in terms of goals but often it just happens and it is such a surprise!
It also excites and stimulates me both intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.
Describe the feeling you have when heavily into a creative activity you love.
I lose track of time – time has no meaning – the minutes and hours are of no consequence. It takes me into another dimension.
What does the creative process do to, or for, you?
It gives me great satisfaction. Sharing it is what I love to do.
How have you fulfilled your own creative urges?
I set goals – publishing books, writing articles, developing a theme to photograph i.e. ‘snow shadows’, maple leaves, organizing retreats
What do you do to satisfy your soul?
This question made me catch my breath.
My love of nature satisfies my soul; hearing a bird sing, capturing an image that is something so small that most people don’t see it
How are you creative in your life?
Writing, photography, sharing ideas, creative problem-solving, taking on a challenge
Who has inspired you in your life to achieve your potential? How?
My parents, my husband, my friends, Freeman Patterson, my creativity group, myself
Share your inspiring story…..
I fell in love with bluebirds… it was the beginning of a love of nature that has been part of me for my whole life.
Have you had several sucessful careers changes in your life?
I guess I have re-invented myself several times. When I meet someone whom I haven’t seen in a long time, they think that I’m still doing what it was from before.
I take each of my careers and experiences with me…they become integrated into my new life experience. They are not left behind.
Describe your creative thinking.
I try to look at things in different ways…..there’s always some new way of looking at a challenge.
Tell about any creative projects that you’ve been involved recently.
Natural History and Photography retreats, PowerPoint Presentations
How would you describe Creative X-Spot?
Something deep inside of me that pulls at my creative core
Describe a serendipitous experience.
I met a woman at Chapters. We had a great connection. She and her husband are attending my retreat. One has to be open to opportunities. We are often confronted by these interfaces but we have to grab the opportunity for things to really happen.
Have you ever had a hunch you've followed to a successful conclusion?
The creation of my books developed from following my instinct. I trusted someone’s integrity and opportunities have continually evolved from our initial meeting.
What does creativity mean to you?
It’s my inner essence – it takes me deep into myself. Sometimes it flows out of me and I don’t even know where it comes from.
Creativity in others is their expression of something unique to them in any form.
What is your creative passion? How do you approach it?
Nature photography and nature writing……….
I both direct it in terms of goals but often it just happens and it is such a surprise!
It also excites and stimulates me both intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.
Describe the feeling you have when heavily into a creative activity you love.
I lose track of time – time has no meaning – the minutes and hours are of no consequence. It takes me into another dimension.
What does the creative process do to, or for, you?
It gives me great satisfaction. Sharing it is what I love to do.
How have you fulfilled your own creative urges?
I set goals – publishing books, writing articles, developing a theme to photograph i.e. ‘snow shadows’, maple leaves, organizing retreats
What do you do to satisfy your soul?
This question made me catch my breath.
My love of nature satisfies my soul; hearing a bird sing, capturing an image that is something so small that most people don’t see it
How are you creative in your life?
Writing, photography, sharing ideas, creative problem-solving, taking on a challenge
Who has inspired you in your life to achieve your potential? How?
My parents, my husband, my friends, Freeman Patterson, my creativity group, myself
Share your inspiring story…..
I fell in love with bluebirds… it was the beginning of a love of nature that has been part of me for my whole life.
Have you had several sucessful careers changes in your life?
I guess I have re-invented myself several times. When I meet someone whom I haven’t seen in a long time, they think that I’m still doing what it was from before.
I take each of my careers and experiences with me…they become integrated into my new life experience. They are not left behind.
Describe your creative thinking.
I try to look at things in different ways…..there’s always some new way of looking at a challenge.
Tell about any creative projects that you’ve been involved recently.
Natural History and Photography retreats, PowerPoint Presentations
How would you describe Creative X-Spot?
Something deep inside of me that pulls at my creative core
Describe a serendipitous experience.
I met a woman at Chapters. We had a great connection. She and her husband are attending my retreat. One has to be open to opportunities. We are often confronted by these interfaces but we have to grab the opportunity for things to really happen.
Have you ever had a hunch you've followed to a successful conclusion?
The creation of my books developed from following my instinct. I trusted someone’s integrity and opportunities have continually evolved from our initial meeting.