Michele Mele springs from a family of professional musicians. She began playing piano as a small child and has been writing songs for the past twenty years and more. Michele’s 2003 debut CD, “Like This” contains her exclusively original material.
The mother of four, a gourmet cook, a certified scuba diver, flying trapeze artist and slalom water-skier, she also speaks fluent French and Italian. Read more about Michele on her website at http://www.michelemele.com.
Do you have an interesting story to tell about how you are creative in your life?
Making meals 3 times a day for a minimum of 6; cooking for 20 when you haven't gone shopping for a week!!
Have you successfully changed careers several times? Why? How did you get the courage to do it?
Primary music teacher to high school music teacher to singer \songwriter \performer, keeping lifelong job of wife and parent (changed the wife part once because it was killing every ounce of emotional creative spiritual being-on a truly serious note)
What creative interests or projects have you been involved with lately?
Songwriting, creating a "show" and finding work and venues. One has to be creative in finding a place to fit in.
How might you define the term "Creative X-Spot TM?"Humorous definitions accepted.
"Orgasmic epiphany."

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